Outlook Express 6.0

1. Open Outlook Express and click Tools on the top menu

2. Click Accounts in the drop down menu

3. Click the Mail tab at the top of the Internet Accounts pop menu

4. On the right side of the window, click Add and click Mail

5. You will now see an Internet Connection Wizard with Your Name at the top. There is an open field to type a Display Name. Type the name that you would like for recipients of your emails to see. Click Next

6. You will now see an open field to type Email Address. In the Email Address field, type your complete email address in all lowercase letters (ex: myname@orbitelcom.com). Click Next.

7. You will now see the Email Server Names Screen. Select POP3 from the drop down menu at the top that asks you to select what type of incoming mail server you have.

8. Enter the following server information:

Click Next

9. Next screen will ask for the Internet Mail logon information. In the Account Name Field type the your full email address (e.g: myname@orbitelcom.com). In the Password Field, type the password you were given. Place a check in remember password checkbox if you do not want to type your password each time you want to receive email.

10. Do not place a check in the log on using secure password authentication check box. Click Next.

11. You will see the Congratulations screen. Your email account setup is now complete. Click Finish

12. You are almost done. Return to Tools -> Accounts ->Mail. Select the respective account and click Properties ->Servers -> Under Outgoing Mail Server place a Check in the box next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.

13. Click More Settings -->Outgoing Mail Server -> select My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication -> choose Use same settings as my incoming mail server, click OK

13. Click Advanced Tab and enter the following information:

**DO NOT select SSL for either port

14. Click OK