Exporting Gmail Calendar

1. Log into Gmail via a web browser (www.google.com/calendar)

2. Click on the drop-down arrow next to "My Calendars" and choose Settings.

3. On the Calendar Settings page, click "Export calendars" link at the bottom of the My Calendars section. **Keep in mind that you won't be able to bulk export calendars in your other calendars list (for example, public calendars you've added to your list, shared calendars with "view" access only, etc.)

4. Pop-up window will appear requesting that you save the file. Click "Save" to save the file to the device. **Note: If it does not give you an option to save to a certain location, the file will most likely be saved in the "downloads" folder.


In the resulting compressed folder, you'll see an ICS file for each of the calendars you have permission to "Make changes and manage sharing" for.